Saturday, June 13, 2020

The One Pan Demic

In one of my recent posts, I mentioned my feeble attempts at becoming a bread baker. Bought the flour, bought the yeast, and quit before I started. Way too much work on my part!
Feeling like a baking failure, I then began to start observing a new trend in recipes, appearing on Social Media, Newsletters, Blogs and those old-fashioned Newspapers (that no one reads, anymore). The newest fad, in recipes, is simplicity.
I noticed all kinds of 3 Ingredient Recipes. Cookies and cakes, especially.  Where have these recipes been, all my life? Peanut butter cookies (1 cup peanut butter, 1 egg, 1 cup of sugar). Oatmeal cookies using bananas, oatmeal and and chocolate chips. Voila. Great Cookies. Who knew you didn't have to add salt, baking soda and flour, and find the measuring spoons?
Cake. I found one that uses two cake mixes, water, and a coffee mug. And, it's cooked in the microwave. Holy Cow! I can do this.
My favorite recipe is the Wacky Cake, circa 1940 something. No eggs and no milk (both were rationed during WW II), which were again in short supply, recently. This one is mixed and baked, in the same pan!
Look out Betty Crocker and Ann Pillsbury!

Dear Lord. You are counting on us to stay the course. You never promised us that our lives would be easy. We can do this, no matter what happens, because we know that You are always with us. Your steadfast love endures forever.

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