Friday, September 14, 2018

Pinch me!

There is a program on TV tonight entitled "Ancient Invisible Cities". My husband asked me, "
what kind of show would that be?" Very good question.
Back when you had to actually get up and physically change the channels on a television set and all three channels were free, programming was simple and easy. These days, besides having to pay for programs and advertising, we have to decide what's real and what's not.
Reality TV is all the rage. But, only a very simple person would actually buy into the REALness of reality TV. Take the show called Naked and Alone, or something like that. If he's alone, who is taking the pictures? How real, or true to life, is anything or anyone when a camera crew is watching everything?
Home make-over and home-buying shows are another issue. Just how "real" are they? Those couples are always asking for two sinks per bathroom! Who really wants to be in the same bathroom with someone else is doing his or her business? Bathroom fixture sales must be soaring!
News isn't really news. Most of that is fake, according to unnamed sources.
I don't know what to believe, anymore............

Dear God. You are real. My faith in You is real. Your steadfast love endures forever.

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

It's Just A Number

I'm having another birthday. It's no big deal. Fact is, that birthdays occur once a year, whether we choose to count them or not.  And, most of the folks I encounter on workdays are very proud to tell you how old they are. It's a number.
Did you ever stop to consider the list of numbers that we need to know and use every day? One is your Social Security Number (everyone has one...a nine digit number). Until recently, your SSN was also your Medicare number. Now, thanks to the wisdom of our government, all seniors will have another number to remember, as our Medicare numbers will change.
Then, there are telephone numbers. Most everyone, these days, has a phone that will automatically dial a number associated with a name, which was previously entered into the memory of the phone. But, we still have to remember our own phone numbers! Yikes!
How about your house or apartment number, zip code, or employee number from work? If you have certain medical issues you might need to keep a mental record of your blood sugar count or your blood pressure (one number over the other), or the numbers of your good cholesterol and your bad cholesterol (which is which). More numbers! Then, when you are still reeling from trying to remember those numbers, the same nurse will ask you when you had your last latest tetanus shot or took your last birth control pill.  More numbers!
License plate numbers, credit card numbers, bank account numbers, tax numbers, number at the DMV counter, etc. I could never list all of the numbers we must know.
After all, they are just numbers.

Dear Lord. You are number one. You always have been. All of the other numbers are just temporary.
Remind us to put You first in our lives.

Friday, September 7, 2018

The Cup 1/2 Full

The oldest resident, in our facility, has a sign on her door that reads "Old Age Isn't for Sissies". She is slightly over 100 years old, so there are very few folks who have the longevity of knowledge to argue with her. But, she always has something to show me, on her I-Pad (which she maneuvers like a Genius). She's a marvel.
One of the joys, and there are many, of working in a retirement community, is getting to know the residents and their families. Each and every day, I get a lesson in how to grow older gracefully and how to appreciate relationships with seniors.
A second floor woman (age mid-nineties) and her daughter are my "giggle girls". They are the original Party Hearty duo. Together they visit the hair salon, at least once a week....but, I think it may actually be more. They go out and get a Mani-Pedi, weekly. Shopping is their favorite pastime,  and from all indications, they love every minute of their time together. Just seeing them having so much fun, makes my day!
Then, there is another nonagenarian who hops on the activity bus each and every time we use it. He will go anywhere at any time. His favorite saying is "I love to get out of Dodge." And, the great thing is that he will then immediately say, "Because, I love coming back home." Isn't that just great?
The other day I used the term "elderly" and a resident said that she preferred senior. "We are just about to graduate, of course". What a wonderful term!
I could go on and on about the wonders of our residents. Of course, there are a few consistent complainers, but they are in the minority.
I am so blessed.

Great God. Thank you for my many blessings. Continue to hold me in the palm of your hand.

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Good Morning, this is Nancy. How may I help you?

How many languages do you speak? If you are like most Americans, you "had" to take a foreign language at some point in your academic history. I took two years of French in high school, and one semester of college level French. Unfortunately, I speak French like a two year old.....a word here and a word there. I am never going to improve my second language  skills.
As time passes, however, I truly believe that more and more Americans are unable to properly speak their first language......English.
I have several colleagues who answer the phone by simply saying, "Hey." That, in my opinion, is rude. So, when I hear, "Hey." I don't reply. I wait for them to make another choice of greeting. I realize that I risk the chance of hearing something even more rude or flip, but that is the choice I make. Hay belongs in a field, but if you are reading this already know that!
A few of my superiors have chided me when I have expressed my concerns about the use of proper English. They say proper English is old-fashioned, and nobody cares a hoot about grammar, anymore. I'm going on record as believing that people do care how they are addressed. And, those people speaking should want to appear as intelligent and as smart as they would like to be perceived.
So, if someone should axe me, "Like, uh, uh, like where did you go to school at?" Please, do not expect a response.

Holy Lord: I am thankful for all of the wonderful teachers who cared about me and all of their students. I appreciate my many blessings. Remind me to keep trying to improve Your world. Also, give me the patience, to retain a sense of humility.

Saturday, September 1, 2018

"Brown paper packages tied up with string......"

My weekends are always busy. Saturday and Sunday are my days to do the grocery shopping, run errands, take care of housework, the laundry, etc. I don't mind. It is what has to be done. And, I also save some time, just for myself.
However, there is one weekend chore that falls into both categories. It's a "must do" chore and we love doing it. These days, almost everyone with a sense of guilt or duty, recycles. Our community does curbside recycling of papers, cans, plastics and cardboard. But, if you choose to recycle your glass trash, then it's off to visit the PURPLE BINS. And boy, do we look forward to that visit.
Fortunately, we have a PURPLE BIN, standing next to our closest grocery store. It's very convenient. Every couple of Saturdays, or so, on our way to do the weekly shopping, we load boxes of bottles into the car trunk and drive to the bin. We unload the bottles and throw them two by two (double handed, 'cause we're experts) into the trailer sized bin.
They go BANG, CRASH and POP! Glass spatters inside the bin. It's noisy and fun. The harder you throw, the louder the blast and all of the week's stress and tension just crashes away to nothing!
Good cheap fun and exercise, with a purpose!

Dear Lord and Savior. We try to care of Your planet, but most of the time we are not very good stewards of Your gifts. And, we struggle taking care of our own lives. Guide us on this journey.We need You.

But, what if we need it?

 Attention ,all of you "half-way hoarders" out there. You know who you are. I am not the one who is judging you. I, myself, am a r...