Friday, January 19, 2018

Whatever happened to..........?

Common Courtesy!!!! I am beginning to think that the words "thank you" and "please" are disappearing from the English Language. Life is so much more pleasant, when folks couch their "asks" with a kind word like please or thank you.
Lately, I have been dealing with what we call.....Drive-by demands, drive-by complaints and drive-by snipers. Here's what I have been hearing, most recently. "Sign me up for Wal-Mart!" and " I didn't like my lunch. ( Not enough meat, or potatoes or liquid......just something wasn't right, and I want you to fix it.) and " I guess the mail isn't here yet. When are you going to do something about that?" And, all of these comments are barked at me while the speakers are on the move, from one end of my desk to the other. They don't stop, they just keep on moving. Then they are gone.
I stand there listening and await an AK-47 barrage, from their rolling-walker bags, as they pass my desk. Yap, Yap, Ya-da-ya-da......Rat-a tat-tat! Splat. She's down...... we got her!!
I think it is worth noting, however, that none of these jibes and barbs, actually require a response from me, the target. The demanders, complainers and snipers don't really want an answer or comment. They are just interested in having their comments heard.
Well, I hear you, loud and clear, of course, thank you for your concerns. You are so very welcome for sharing.

Dear God, Give me patience. Remind me that many of the comments are not aimed directly at me. Remind me that all of Your children are special in Your eyes. Keep my mind and heart focused on what you want me to do.

Saturday, January 13, 2018

I'm not sayin'............

Recently, I attended a memorial service, in honor of an old friend. The service was well planned and as is customary these days, the family had a chance to speak about their love for their relative. The music was nice. There were an appropriate number of folks in attendance. All in all, it was a fitting tribute to a long-lived, well-remembered member of the community.
There was one glaring problem. The deceased, who had long been a member of the church, where the service was held, was elderly. She had been unable to attend the church for several years, due to mobility issues.
The pastor, who no doubt is a fine preacher and gentleman, did not know the deceased. He did the best he could with the information given to him, by the family. But, he mispronounced her given name, throughout the entire service. Well, as you can imagine, that detracted quite a bit from what was otherwise a fine funeral.
I shouldn't have let it bother me. After all, the deceased had a name that could have been pronounced in the way the pastor said. Only, he was wrong....dead wrong. And, everyone knew! It was cringe worthy.
Please remember, that when my time comes, and I realize my soul will not be there to hear it, that my name is NAN-SEE.

Holy Lord. You know us by many other ways than just our given names. You know each of us by our thoughts and our work. Remember us, as we remember Your loving and all powerful ways. Jesus, let me live for You and die for You.

Thursday, January 11, 2018

Reality Check

Too many folks, refuse to look at who and where they are right now. Too many seniors focus on what they once were, and bemoan everything they have lost.
Why can't seniors look forward? We are wasting what is left of our time on earth,  by living our lives in fear of what is coming "down" the road.
I think we would all find ourselves in a much better frame of mind, if we accept where we are right the present.....and look forward to what lies "up" the road, toward the best part of our lives.
For example, at my age, I am never going to look and move the way I did in my 40's. I've missed my chance to look great in a bikini, and wear 4 inch heels! There isn't a marathon in my future.
I will never be a young, busy mom again. Other women are doing that, thank goodness.
But, if we want to enjoy the rest of our lives, we need to accept who and where we are right now. We can't go back. We need to maximize the things that we can do and not worry about what we can no longer do.
Above all, we must be grateful for the small things that make our lives worth living. And, find a way to love and help others.

Lord, help me to look "upward" Help me to focus on the positive. I have far more blessings than I have aches and pains. I want to live for you.

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

A New One

Happy New Year. ....and I hope it is the best one, ever.
Last year wasn't the best for many folks. Our home town had a few downs during 2017. We don't want to repeat them. The Kansas City Royals didn't win the Major League Pennant. Murders were nearly at an all-time high, and a lot of them remain unsolved. Traffic deaths were astronomical. The Kansas City Chiefs football team started out with winning all of their games, lost several in a row, and finished just so so. A lot of folks were just downright mean to each other.
On the home front, we had some medical issues. My husband Scott is still recovering from a broken leg and all of the surgery, rehab and transportation issues that go with that.
I cried a lot.
So, I look forward to a much better year. I have some goals this year that will keep us, at least me and my family, on the straight and narrow.
* I intend to laugh more and "let it go" more often.
* I intend to love more and judge less.
* I intend to pray more.....not for good stuff, but for acceptance and peace.
* I intend to say "thank you and please" any time I get a chance.
* I intend to love more and appreciate all of my blessings.

There you go.

Dear God, Thank you for this brand new year. I am sincerely grateful.

But, what if we need it?

 Attention ,all of you "half-way hoarders" out there. You know who you are. I am not the one who is judging you. I, myself, am a r...