Sunday, November 5, 2017

Tell Me A Story, Grandma.

I belong to a literary organization. The group is known, by members, as JASNA. Formally, we are members of the Jane Austen Society of North America. I enjoy being a member of the group and we meet several times a year to celebrate all that is Jane Austen...her books, her life, the culture and society to which she belonged and the food she ate. I know where she lived, where she wrote, what she wrote, what she wore and where she died.
My knowledge of Jane Austen has grown immensely, in the years that I have become active in JASNA. In fact, I know more about Jane Austen, than I know about my own family. Seriously, do you know anything about your family's history between 1775 and  1819? I certainly don't. I can name my great grandparents on both sides and that's about all I know about my family tree. That's a little sad, I think.
So,  I tell you what. Write it down folks.
Buy a little notebook or type away, but, write it down. Write your life story.
Sometime in the future, (Probably not your own kids, because what do they care about you? You're just mom and dad.) your descendants will be doing some research and they will want to know all about you.Your life is important.
So write it down.

Dear God. We only live once. Our lifespans are short, but as Your children, we know that we are important to You. You love each and every one of us. We count. Help us to make the best of our short time here, We are here to honor You. Bless us.

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