Friday, November 24, 2017

Lesson Learned

Don't cook naked!
Almost all chefs wear those heavy duty cloth coats, with long sleeves, when they work. Do you know why? Well, duh! Because cooking requires the use of a hot stove and other appliances that give off heat and are capable of burning human skin.
Enter one older woman, namely me, who got in a hurry on Thanksgiving morning, took her shower, got partially dressed (no, I was not completely naked), and decided to check on the progress of the roasting turkey.
When I pulled back the aluminum foil, which covered the turkey, steam burned my hand, so I  jerked my arm back and promptly burned a big spot on the big fatty part of my inner arm. Ouch. No permanent damage done. A little Vitamen E Oil, is all it needed, but my arm will be tender, for quite a while. Lesson learned.
I'm embarassed mostly. How could I have been so stupid?

Great and all powerful Lord. We need your strength and wisdom. Keep a watch over us and lead us to good choices. We magnify your Holy Name.

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