Saturday, April 1, 2017


It is 2017. It is the age of cell phones, cordless razors, cordless vacuums, cordless mouses, cordless toothbrushes, etc., etc. So why then, are we still allowing ourselves to become tangled up in electric cords?
In the last three months, I have been in countless hospital and rehab rooms. In every one of those rooms, there have been TV remotes, phones, and nursing call buttons. Every one of those items have had big long thick cords. And, those cords have caused a myriad of problems.
Why do patients need all of those cords? My remote at home doesn't need a cord! Are hospitals afraid patients will swipe their ugly remotes and take them home? I think not.
Almost everyone has a cell phone these days. Let the patients use their own cell phones to make calls.
And call buttons should be built into the beds.
Hospitals listen up. Get rid of those cords.
Moving the bed up and down, gets all those cords tangled in the bed's mechanism. The cords get tangled in the wheels of wheelchairs and walkers. Nurses carts get tangled in the cords when vitals are taken. I don't even want to think of the number of falls those cords have probably caused.
Just get rid of them, STAT.

Dear God, We get frustrated at times. Help us to calm down and act reasonably, even when we think that those around us are not. Give us patience, dear Lord, and peace.

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