Saturday, August 6, 2016

Eenie, Meenie...........

Every now and then I get a severe case of writer's blob. No, I didn't misspell that. That was not a misspeak. I meant to type.... blob.
Writer's blob is my term for when my mind is so full of things, about which to opine, that it is impossible for me to settle on only one subject. I just can't decide on what to write.
So, the solution is to just list my possible topic ideas, and I will let my readers take it from there. So, here they are:
  • The weather....because it has been 100 plus, several times in the past few days. There is just so much to say about the weather.
  • Fire Alarms......because we have been testing them and everyone complains about the sound. I just can't reason with folks about the safety of alarms.
  • Wonderful old friends......because I met up with a few hundred of them at a recent event, and I was reminded of how much they mean to me.
  • Mini vacations.......even if they last only one evening. A wonderful dinner, at a new restaurant, in a beautiful setting, is a great refresher of life.
  • Frustration.........candy wrappers on the floor behind my desk. When 3 trash cans are within paces from the candy dish, why do folks contine to use the floor?
  • Grandchildren.
There are more, but perhaps you can think about these topics and imagine the rest of the stories.

God: Life is a kaleidoscope of experiences and wonders. Give me the patience and intelligence to embrace the vastness of existence. I honor your presence in my life. I am truly blessed to know You.

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