Wednesday, June 1, 2016

" I'll make it anywhere...."

I know many fearful senior citizens. They worry about many things, and they are afraid of a great many more. Fear and worry have paralyzed them. They are afraid to enjoy the rest of their lives.
Here's what I believe.
My youth was spent worrying and being fearful. I always deferred to the sensible and followed along doing what others told me was right. Well, hear this, folks, I refuse to be afraid in my senior years!
I've made it this far. Praise the Lord. I am a survivor!
I just spent the weekend in New York City. On Saturday, this little old lady walked by herself for 4 hours. I shopped, did some sightseeing, visited Grand Central Station, Central Park, Rockefeller Center and Times Square. It was great fun.
On Sunday, I had some family with me, but again, we were adventurers, exploring unknown environs without fear.
Monday, the same.
Look out world. To quote Pogo, (in sort of a bizarre way), " We have met the enemy and he is us." Our enemy in life is truly "us". God has given us the power to do whatever we want. We just have to do it. It is up to us.
With God as our ally, we cannot fail.

Dear God; Let's make it happen. Together we can succeed. You are my source and my shield. AMEN.

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