Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Cleanliness is next to .........

Spring, here in the Midwest is a beautiful season. The dogwoods, pink and white, are in bloom.
Red bud trees, with their tiny purplish blosssomed branches dot the landscape and they look spectacular against the barely leafing out larger trees. Lilac bushes are at their peak and they smell fabulous, whether they are lavender or white.The daffodils have finished  blooming and the tulips are at their climax of their color.
Every one of God's natural creations seems new, fresh and colorful.
Meanwhile, back at the ranch, the inside of my house looks dirty, sad and cluttered.
It's time to clean and pitch.
I feel this way every year. It's an overwhelming task, especially if you start with the big stuff. I know, that's they way I usually do it, and I never get very far. My success at decluttering is very minimal.
This year, for a change, I am going to start small and maybe I will be more successful.
I am going to start with photos. Any photo without people is going to get pitched. That will be, I'm guessing, at least 40% of our photo clutter.
Next, I will toss out all of the "just acquaintance photos". That's got to be another 20%. In this category will be Photo Christmas Cards from several years back.
Duplicate photos will be thrown away. Shots that make me or other people look bad, fat or ugly have got to go, too.
Voila! I will have cleaned out more that 80% of our photo clutter. Hooray.
I am going to get started, right now!

Lord, guide my feet. The race is getting pretty slow. I'm slowing down in body, but not it mind.
Help me to set priorities. Remind me daily to do your will and make life a little better for all the folks I encounter.

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