Sunday, March 13, 2016

Trust Me!

We come to that time of year, slightly before St. Patrick's Day (March 17th), Easter (never before March 22nd) and Tax Day (April 15th), when the infamous Ides of March occurs. For my readers who didn't have to memorize Brutus' speech from Shakespeare's "Julius Caesar", the Ides is actually the 15th day of any month. However, Caesar was murdered on the 15th of March, so that's the only Ides, anyone every talks about.
Caesar was warned, you know. "Beware" Watch out for that day! Of course, his "friends" ended up killing him him....stabbed him, according to first hand reports (did you like that pun???) around thirty times.
The moral in this story just has to be.... be careful in whom you put your trust.
We are in the midst of a campaign for President of the United States. Missouri holds its Primary this Tuesday......the Ides of March. I'm not sure I trust anyone candidate enough to cast my vote for him.

Great God: I trust you. "Trust and Obey, for there's no other way." When everyone else fails us, you will always be there. Help us to be discerning and wise. Direct our minds and bodies to do your will.

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"Her name was McGill. She called herself Lil, but everyone knew her as ............"

 I consider myself fairly techno-literate. Most senior citizens are. And, although we learned to type on a manual Smith-Corona, we are, for ...