Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Pucker up, girlfriends!

Ladies! Remember when your mom told you to make sure your knees were together when you were having your picture taken? Or, when you discovered that turning to the side a bit and making sure one leg was in front of the other, made you look thinner in a photo? Well, those bits of wisdom have stayed with you, haven't they?
Fast forward to 2014, or so. Someone must have told every female under the age of 50,  to "put a hand on a hip, when you are being photographed and it will make you look great",  because somehow all of the photos we were seeing then, had young women posed .... hand on hip!
Now, in 2016, it is pucker up and pout those lips, girlfriend, and you will look marrrrrvelous!
Recently, facebook is full of these "fish faced" young things, looking their poutiest.
Well, personally, I don't think those women look so hot. They just look kind of goofy!
But, what do I know? I am still trying to get my knees to stay together.

Great God. Thank you for caring so much for us. We do the silliest things. We are vain. We think we are so special. Thank you for loving us unconditionally. We don't deserve it.
Remind us that it is not what we look like that matters. Remind us to be humble and deserving of your love.

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