Sunday, January 17, 2016

Bad Girls

I like words and I like pondering and using interesting quotes. One of my favorite quotes these days is attributed to one Laurel Thatcher Ulrich. I have been aware of it for years, because it is printed on one of my favorite "inherited" tee shirts. And, recently it showed up in a Christmas gift book.
Some quotes reek of truth, others not so much. But, Ulrich's "Well behaved women seldom make history.", cannot be disputed. It rings true.
Think about Mary Magdalene, Joan of Arc, Clara Barton, Eleanor Roosevelt, Rosa Parks. Groundbreaking, admirable women. All in them in our history books.
Of course there were other women, ill-behaved as well, who made history. Using another of my favorite quotes..."They are more than famous. They are in infamous." (TTA) On that list would be Salome, Marie Antoinette, Mata Hari and Monica Lewinsky. They misbehaved and made history.
What's my point? Nothing I have done or will do in my lifetime will be written about in a history book. But, I like to think that I will, at least, have made a mark somewhere with someone. 
Here's just one more quote. "And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds." (Hebrews 10:24.)

Good and Loving Lord: All of us know that life is often rough and things do not always go the way we have planned. We cannot seem to help messing things up. Show us how to right our wrongs. Remind us that we will not live forever and that we had better behave in a way that we want to be remembered. We are continually leaving our mark on others.
Guide us and show us your will.

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