Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Well, Shake It Up, Baby!"

I'm all for mixing things up. I support blended families, mixed marriages (both religious and racial) and the occasional mixed drink. One of my favorite activities, during my years at Lakeside Junior High, was attending YMCA Mixers.
I like mix and match patterns and the new trend of mismatched socks is kind of cute. Eclectic, is the word.  I have been known to serve mixed vegetables and I can mix up a tasty batch of brownies. I have salt and pepper hair.
However, just recently, on a whim, I sipped a newfangled "holiday beer", and I am here to shout from the top of Mount Crumpet......I am unequivocally against Pumpkin Beer.
More correctly, I believe the label read, "Pumpkin Flavored Beer". But, whatever the label read, two things that should never, ever have been mixed are the flavors of pumpkin and beer.
Yuck. Double Yuck. Nasty. Don't try it!

Gracious God. We have many choices to make. Sometimes, we even make the right ones. Stand by us. Be our shield and guardian. We honor you.
Life is good, every day.

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