Monday, July 13, 2015


I've had my share of jobs over the years. I've worked as a concierge, herded hundreds of volunteers, taught school, sold flowers and shoes, paved driveways and above all raised four kids and a husband.
One thing that I always wanted to do, especially when I was raising three really loud boys, was to be a librarian. For some reason, the thought of a really quiet job really appealed to me
Anyway, starting at a very early age, I have always been a public library devotee. The library was a sanctuary for me. I always felt at home and safe among the smooth tables, rows of books and cool tile floors.  My sister used to walk my friends and me to the Pittsburg Public Library, every week during the summer months. We went to Story Hour on Wednesday mornings for years. We listened to Mrs. Kempster read The Oz Books, Alice In Wonderland and other classics.  I loved every minute of it.
When my kids were young, we were frequent visitors at the Public Library, where ever we lived. I made sure they went to the local story hour, too. I recall that they really enjoyed the Laurel and Hardy movies along with the oral story telling. The video generation, I guess.
So, joy of joys. One of those story hour youngsters, in my special care, is now an employee of the public library system and will be engaged in story telling at one of their branch libraries.
You never know how your dreams and wishes will be fulfilled. God only knows how and when you might be an influence on the lives you touch.

Thank you Lord, for the gift of words. You have blessed us with so many wonderful books. Allow us to be good role models and to make our each of our lives a model for others. You are our guide and shield. Watch over us.

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