Friday, March 6, 2015


I sincerely believe that one of the greatest obstacles to achieving a truly successful life is our inability to follow simple directions.
Mr. Garmin has made billions trying to get us to learn how to follow that knowledgeable young woman, who tells us where to turn, intersect and, when all else fails, as soon as possible "make a legal U turn."
But, it is all to no avail. We simply can't and won't follow directions.
Any classroom teacher will tell you that students, no matter the age group, do not follow directions.
It doesn't do any good to read the instructions before hand. No one pays attention to explanations. We are all too eager to get the work finished, to really listen to how to actually do the work.
In adulthood, how many folks actually "read the manual before attempting to operate."? Hardly any one. We don't want to waste time doing that. But, how much time is wasted taking things apart and redoing them, because we didn't read the directions the in the first place?
Maybe it's arrogance. Maybe it's ignorance, or maybe it's just downright stupidity. But, most sets of directions are just a jumble of meaningless words that no one reads or listens to. And, it's not always written directions we ignore. We can't even "read" wordless directions. Most of us don't even have the patience to follow a video or take oral direction.
Listen folks. In my senior years, I realise that a little bit of thought before action is a darn good idea.. Read directions. It's the prudent thing to do.

Almighty and all-powerful God: Thank you for trying to give us directions to live a good life. We have the best example ever, in Jesus, to lead holy and honorable lives. Help us as we attempt to achieve the life you have planned for us.
We praise and glorify your name.

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