Saturday, November 15, 2014

It might just be too late!

Last week, I elected to make a quick run to the local Fabric/Craft Store (they actually sell a lot of other items, but I was looking for yarn). My idea, and I thought it was a good one, was to make the trek during the telecast of the local NFL football game. My theory went along the path of " the store would be less crowded, because a lot of folks would be home watching the game".
I was so wrong. It seems most of the women in town were all thinking the same thing, because the store was packed. The store has one of those "take a number" machines at the fabric cutting table and when I wedged my way past the crowd, toward the yarn aisles, I heard the sales clerk call out number 436. I could see that number 555 was already taken and the holder of that number was, no doubt, waiting impatiently, in a nearby aisle, for service. Oh my goodness.
I hastily picked out my yarn and headed toward the check-out lines. As I waited for my turn, it dawned on me that my good intentions for making every one of my co-workers a hand-crocheted item for Christmas, this year, was probably only a pipe dream. Standing there among the countless women, all with the same or a similar purpose, I knew my goal was way beyond my Yuletide reach. I'll never get them all done.
So little time, so many dish cloths.

Sweet Jesus. My intentions are mostly good. I want to give all that I can, but sometimes I just bite off more than I can chew. Help me to face reality.  Please, watch over me and lead me down the right road. Show me how to give more and worry less. Give us all peace.

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