Sunday, December 29, 2013

"Well done, good and faithful servant."

Thank you! Thank you, very much! Completing this article will mean that I accomplished one of the goals I set for myself this year. I mangaged to post 52 blogs, one for each week of 2013. It's taken me a couple of years to achieve that number, but I finally did it.
Goals are essential for a meandering soul like me. I tend to just live my life, from crisis to crisis, just doing what comes naturally. That does not mean, however, that I am not a hard worker. I work pretty darn hard. It's just that I have found myself in a "survival" mode for a couple of years. And, since I'm still living and breathing, you will have to admit, I've been pretty successful at that.
But, striving to achieve designated goals keeps you moving forward.
I actually met some other goals this year. I found a really great job. Actually, I found two, but ended up settling on just one.  (There's nothing like gainful employment to make you feel successful.)
And, I made some awesome new friends. I've really cherished these new contacts. Learning and caring about new lives has enriched my own existence. I connected with some old friends, too. That song about "one is silver and the other gold", rings true.
Lastly, I became a Notary Public. The process was a little complicated and time consuming, but after I complete the last task of being sworn in, at the Clay County Courthouse, I will be an Official Certified Notary.
Becoming a Notary, must make one "Notorious", which Webster says is "well known or famous especially for something bad". Add Notorious to my favorite self-describer, "Infamous", which means MORE than famous, and you have a whole lot of Nansense.
Happy New Year, 2014.

Great Almighty Lord. We look forward to this new year, full of hope and joy. We are continually humbled by the wonder of life and we are blessed with our bounty of  riches. Help us to be forever grateful, giving and forgiving.

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