Friday, December 6, 2013

Beam me up, Scottie.

In order to access some pertinent electronic data,  most efficiently and easily, my new employers asked that I update my antiququated cell phone. I hadn't realized that my phone was an antique, until I noticed that all of the other folks, in the office, were using items they all called "Smart Phones". Their phones did all kinds of stuff and my simple phone could only receive and make phone calls. After all, it was a telephone!
So, I ventured out, one Sunday afternoon, to a nice retail venue, to purchase a new device. Device is the word the salesman used for what would become my new phone. The salesman started his pitch by trying to sell me a tablet AND a phone. It could have been my blank stare or my raised eyebrows, but he quickly moved on describing my singular phone choices.
We settled on a simple "I Phone". He was the one who described it as simple. I would now be able to have 4 Gs, or maybe it was 40 Gs, I can't remember what the number was. I must have been dazzled by the flashing whistles and bells, as he kept moving from screen to screen, because I walked out of the store with the phone, a snazzy cover (new phones are more easily broken than the older models), a charger, ear buds (something about I tunes), and a half-dozen other items that he had placed in a nice shopping bag.
Back home, I looked at the stuff and browsed through the User's Manual. What had seemed so simple in the store, was now way beyond my 20th Century mind.
My colleagues at work were quite impressed by my purchase. I had gotten a really good deal, they informed me. This new device could do anything. They all wanted to try it out.
It has taken me a couple of weeks now, but guess what? I can make and receive calls on my new phone. But, I haven't been able to figure out any other APPs (whatever that means). As soon as I run into a clever 9 or 10 year old, I am going to ask him/her to set up the other options on my device and explain them to me. Maybe then, I will finally be able to access that pertinent data from cyber space.

Lord: Sometimes we feel totally inadequate. Our lives are so complicated and confusing. We find ourselves longing for a simpler time. We reach out to You for help and guidance. Surround us with your counsel and peace.
As we wander through life, we know that Your love surpasses all of our weaknesses. Show us how to live our lives in the very best way possible, always keeping You, Lord, as our Guide and Redeemer.

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