Sunday, September 15, 2013

Blogs, Journals and all that junk!

I heard a statement the other day that went something like this. "There are two types of people. There are those folks who use their time to keep a diary/journal and there are the others, who are too busy doing stuff to write it all down!"
I fall somewhere in the middle. Before starting this blog, I kept a journal, trying to add insightful entries every night, before going to bed.  My journal was supposed to help organize my thoughts and help me to become a better person. But truthfully, I think it just helped me rehash the junk that was going on in my life. I poured out a lot of anger and vengeance into those pages. Journaling didn't help me sleep, but it did keep me from grabbing something sharper than a pen and using it!
Now, of course, I blog. I've gone from daily journal entries to weekly (or almost weekly) posts, and I am trying to focus on the humor, the blessings and the oddities of daily life. This is my medium of choice. And, I am a better, happier person because of the change.

Lord Almighty. Our blessings are many. Why do we focus on the messes we make? You are all-forgiving, but yet we find it hard to forgive ourselves and others.
Keep us ever mindful of your promises of abundant and everlasting life. We praise your steadfast goodness.

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But, what if we need it?

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