Saturday, August 3, 2013


Pirates are very hot. Johnny Depp has made millions being Jack Sparrow. Walt Disney Enterprises has taken a fun little animated theme park ride and created a whole series of vastly popular, wildly profitable, full-length motion pictures. Even our local museum is currently featuring an exhibit that promises to tell us all about the "Real Pirates."
We've been  fascinated by pirates for years. It's a safe bet that most of us have played at being pirates or at least chosen to wear a pirate costume at Halloween, as youngsters. We all love the romance and thrill of a pirate's life.
I spyed (get it???) a Pirate License Plate, just the other day, on a nice SUV parked near my place of employment. I work in a state that requires only a state-issued plate for the back of your car. Any plate in the front of your vehicle can be your choice.
But this particular car not only had a pirate logo plate, it also had a handicapped mirror-tag. What a bizarre combination, I thought. Was the driver a peg-legged, swash-buckling matey? Did he or she have a hook for a hand like the infamous Captain Hook in "Peter Pan"? I eagerly anticipated the return of the sailor. Had he or she gone into the Hardware Store, next door, to repair or shapen a rapier? Perhaps the evil soul would be sporting an eye patch or have a colorful parrot on his blouson sleeve?
But alas, I got busy and by the time I looked up again, my pirate and the SUV had vanished. I'll never know what manner of dastardly suburban pirate was piloting that hardy vessel.

Great God. May we never stop enjoying your mysteries. Life is amazing and you give all of it to us, everyday. Help us to grab the gusto. Life is not for the weak and meek. We are truly blessed.

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