Thursday, May 2, 2013

Surprise! Surprise!

A few of my previous posts have dealt with happenings on my daily commute to work. Today, it is a bit more of the same.
Sometimes in the course of human events, an incident or perhaps an accident will cause me to veer off my usual route. Due to lane closures on the downtown freeway loop, I've found myself on unfamilar roads twice this week.
My first experence led me down one sparsely traveled trafficway through the center of an industrial district. As I approached an intersection, I looked up and saw a 1940's era DC-3 airliner, attached to a bunch of steel girders, and posed or maybe I should write poised for take-off. I'm not describing a model airplane. This thing is the real deal. It's huge and acts, I later read, as advertising for a local coffee company. Well, it certainly is eye catching.
The next afternoon, I decided to angle my way across downtown, to avoid the loop and some equally annoying congestion around the entertainment district. This route led me past the red and white TWA Mooliner Rocket Ship. (TWA stands for Trans World Airlines, for any readers that I might have under the age of 60.) This decorative (TWA did not actually have flights to the moon.) piece of 1960's memorabilia sits atop an office building, as if it is ready to blast off into space.
Life is full of great surprises and we can experience them if we are able to persuade ourselves to make a few changes in our daily routines.
It's the road less traveled.

Heavenly Spirit. You created the wonders and glories of this planet. Show us how to enjoy all that You offer us. There are many branches on Your trees and many stars in Your heavens. Help us learn to focus on what we have and not so much on what we don't have. We honor You.

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