Sunday, February 3, 2013

The Whole Truth and Nothing But .....

The Scripture this morning was I Corinthians 13: 1-13. Well, it's February, and these familiar verses, which we Christians consider as the "Love Chapter", are perfect for the month of romantic love. Chapter 13, is almost always read at weddings and often printed in Valentine Cards. We know the words by heart. "Love is patient; love is kind; love is not envious..." and so on. Great words for lovers to hear. And very appropriate.
But (and this was a light bulb moment for me this morning) Chapter 13,  follows Chapter 12.  This morning I read them together for the first time. And ZOWIE. A light bulb went on in my small brain.
The verses describing love in Chapter 13, are in reference to the Gifts of the Holy Spirit in Chapter 12. This isn't Valentine stuff at all!
I am a great believer in Gifts and Graces. I know in my heart that we all have worth and that each one of us is talented in our own special God given way. In reading Chapter 12, we are given a list of the Gifts that we might receive, through the grace of God.
Then in Chapter 13, Paul writes that the "greatest of these Gifts, is love" and furthermore, if you don't have this Gift of love, then any other Gift that you might have been given is totally worthless. If what you do isn't done in the Spirit of love, then you are not using your Gift in the way that God intended it to be used.
What a great lesson for me this morning. God was telling me to read the whole story and I just might get the real picture.

Gracious and all knowing God. You understand us and our shortcomings. Keep our minds and our hearts open to your words of wisdom. We need your knowledge and guidance. We thank YOU for our Gifts. Help us to use them in Love.

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