Friday, December 28, 2012

5 Gold-en Rings

Wouldn't you know it? The furnace humidifier bit the dust last week. We called right away, but with the holiday, the repairman didn't show up until today......4 hours late, but he DID come. I'm grateful. My lips are chapped and my skin is flakey, but I am grateful.
When he finally arrived, he entered the house and spoke, as if in total amazement ..."Your Christmas Tree is still up!"
Now, folks, it's only the 28th of December. Good Lord, it's only the fourth day of Christmas. My true love has just given me 4 calling birds, for Pete's sake. I'm waiting for all of the other stuff! The 12th day isn't until the 5th of January.
Don't rush me. I want this season to last. It is not my fault if most Americans have their trees up and decorated by Thanksgiving. Go ahead and put it up on Labor Day, for all I care. We will continue to decorate our house after Thanksgiving, and put up our tree one week before Christmas. We will enjoy it until after the first of the year.
So, please, don't mess with my holiday and I won't mess with yours.

Happy New Year.

Dear Jesus: We are celebrating your birth. We do it in many ways, but as birthdays go, you always have a wonderful one. We are thankful for your birth. Let us always remember to make you the center of our Holiday plans.
We glorify your name.

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But, what if we need it?

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