Monday, October 8, 2012

Write it down.

My one and only Much Older Sister sent me a Blessing Book for my birthday. It's basically a blank book meant for journaling about Inspiration and Praise. Being dead set against procrastination, I'm going to use it to write about my blessings, someday soon.
Honestly, I've met very few people who can verbalise or write coherently about their blessings. Why is that?
Most folks are thankful by nature, but maybe sharing our feelings feels like bragging to many of us. You know...we're hesitant to say that we are thankful for our nice homes, fast cars, new shoes (although they're really cute), and all the stuff we've got. We're just not very good at it.
Have you ever been to a Thanksgiving Sunday Service, and during the prayer, the preacher asks to you shout out what you are thankful for?
Dead Silence. Then a few folks brave folks, after thinking really hard, shout out a few items. You usually hear "thank yous" for good health, good weather, the recent rain or the beautiful snowfall, safe travels, etc.
What am I thankful for? OMGolly, I'm breathing. I have hands with which to write this post, and a mind clear enough (most of the time) to organize my thoughts. I can work. I can rest. My family loves me. I have friends that are interested in what I do. I live in a county where I can worship and think as I choose. I have enough to eat. I have a home...and it's warm on these frosty Fall evenings.
I'm getting ready to write in my Blessings Book. I am blessed beyond all comprehension. And, for this I am thankful to God Almighty.

Praise God, from Whom all blessings flow. Praise Him all creatures here below. Thanks a bunch, Lord.

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