Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Give it Away......

Today, I held an impromtu potlatch outside my office. Well, it wasn't exactly a potlatch, which according to my dictionary, is a giving of gifts with the expectation that you will get gifts in return. I didn't want anything in return. I just wanted to give some stuff away.
The modified potlatch was a resounding success. Two boxes of gently used ceramic coffee mugs were eagerly grabbed up. You see, refugees love coffee cups. They are a social bunch and really appreciate having extra coffee cups to use when their friends come to visit.
The cartons of ancient " National Geographics" were another story. Very few folks wanted any of them. Listen up, hoarders, no one wants your old "National Geographics". Libraries don't want them. Schools don't want them. Today's students can instantly download color pictures right from the internet. So, don't bother keeping and storing your old used magazines.
You will say....but, the pictures are so beautiful. (My inlaws treasured their old "National Geopgraphics" and their sons were forbidden to cut any pictures from them). I suppose they felt it destrpyed the value of the issue. Folks, they don't have any value. Thousands of people take or took "National Geographic". The current issues are always a feast for the eyes, but 25 year old copies are worthless. No one, in today's era of instant news, wants to look at old dated photgraphy.
Throw those old magazines away or better yet...recycle them.
" I need litttle, and of the little I need, I have little need." St. Francis of Assisi

Holy Lord: You have blessed us, greatly.  All that we own is on loan from You. Teach us to value what is Your eyes.

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But, what if we need it?

 Attention ,all of you "half-way hoarders" out there. You know who you are. I am not the one who is judging you. I, myself, am a r...