Monday, August 20, 2012


Every day I receive several emails containing photos of old, supposedly forgotten, objects? My friends (the term is questionable in this context) send me these photos and then they write.....LIKE, if you know what this is.
Well, I'm a senior citizen. Of course I know what all of those objects are. So, my friends, quit asking me.
Don't ask me to recall what it was like to spend an hour, in brush rollers, under a hair-dryer bonnet. Don't ask me to remember what my mother's mood was like, after she had spent an hour or so grinding up and cleaning that nasty, hand-crank meat grinder. Oh, and I never could yank hard enough on the handle of those metal ice-cube trays to release the ice properly.  Friends, it's no fun remembering how a "two holer" smelled in Kansas, in mid-July!
I'm all about focusing on the present folks. We older folks spend way too much time remembering the good old days. Beacuse, when you really think about it.......they weren't so good...they were just old..
The present is about TODAY. We have already done yesterday. We may not have tomorrow.

Good Lord. Life is our journey. We need to learn to move Faithfully along the path. Help us to do that and guide us as we travel. Remind us that we don't even have to bring along our baggage. YOU have told us to put the burden on YOU..."for my yoke is easy and my burden light."
Thank you God, for your daily blessings.

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But, what if we need it?

 Attention ,all of you "half-way hoarders" out there. You know who you are. I am not the one who is judging you. I, myself, am a r...