Friday, June 1, 2012

Go Ahead and Toot Your Own Horn

My two-year old granddaughter has a new skill. She's very proud of what she has just learned to do and loudly proclaims to everyone she meets..."I did it!" The joy she emits, because of her accomplishment, is delightful and totally un-selfconscious.
My adult daughter called last night.She just happened to mention, very matter of factly, that she was attending a meeting at the White House, next week. The White House! I wanted her to shout...."I did it!"
Seriously. Why can't we adults rejoice like children? It's okay to be proud of what we do. A wise man once told me "Children are often very mature. As we age we often grow out of that maturity".  An even wiser man said, "...unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven".
Somewhere along our life journey, we learn that being proud of what we do, is bragging. And, bragging is not good. But, being proud of what we accomplish, is just fine. Go on and don't be afraid to tell everyone, "I did it!" Those who truly love you, will rejoice in your happiness.

Dear Lord: You've told us that being child-like is a good thing. Teach us to be truthful, kind, honest and joyful.  Help us to concentrate on the blessings that you have given us and allow us to rejoice in the beauty of this world. Thank you for hanging around with your children.

But, what if we need it?

 Attention ,all of you "half-way hoarders" out there. You know who you are. I am not the one who is judging you. I, myself, am a r...