Monday, April 30, 2012

Papa's Pizza

Everyone I know loves pizza. It must be America's favorite food of choice.
And, speaking of choice, way back in the middle of the last century, we only had one choice, when it came to pizza.We got to choose the toppings for our pies. Now, we may also choose our specific sauce (Alfredo, Marinara,4 cheese, Buffalo, barbeque,etc.), our type of crust (whole wheat, gluten-free, thick, thin, crispy, Chicago Style or stuffed and finally we can choose the shape (square, round, strips or individual). So many choices!
And, then we need to decide where that pizza will come from. Eat out, go pick it up or have it delivered. Some folks make their own pizza, but for most of's not home made.
Which leads me to my question of the week. Why are there two pizza restaurants with the first name of Papa? Why Papa instead of Mama? Or, you'd think, like other businesses, at least one of them of them would have chosen AAPizza, Abbe's or even A-one Pizza, ....something first on the alphabetical list of Pizza Joints. Nope. It's Papa John's and Papa Murphy's. Not even Italian papa's names. And, how many Italian papa's make their family's pizza?
It's a very strange world we inhabit. Wonders will never cease.

Good God. Our antics must keep you continually amused. Humans do the craziest things.
We, on the other hand, stand in awe of Your Power, Glory and Wisdom. We thank you for our many blessings and we praise Your Holy Name.

1 comment:

Bob Buss said...

There are some other options for Pizza names, I think I have seen stores that are called Cedric Whittacres and even Ole Swensen. I am probably wrong about the exact names and I don't give them as recommendations. But,the real-life names are something very similar.

I wonder if you could sell Jose Garcia's Weinerschnitzel?

But, what if we need it?

 Attention ,all of you "half-way hoarders" out there. You know who you are. I am not the one who is judging you. I, myself, am a r...