Monday, February 6, 2012

Rub a dub, dub.

We were expecting guests during the holiday season, so I felt that it was time for me to replace the well-worn and faded bath towels in the hall bathroom. Finding just the right color towels to go with the decor of the room was my goal. Luckily, I found some very pretty ones. They were very soft. And, on top of that, they were really cheap.
After washing and drying the new towels, I used them for the first time. They weren't very fluffy and they didn't dry me off very well. Towels are supposed to dry you off after a shower, I think. These didn't.
So, I washed and dried them again. This time, I didn't use any fabric softener, thinking that might be the problem. They still didn't work very well. I had purchased some really bad towels, and unfortunately, I was stuck with them.
My guests didn't complain about the towels, but I did notice that they all looked a little damp every morning!

Lord, your children make mistakes. Sometimes our choices are wrong. We often choose the easy way or the cheap way. We look for the quick fix and not the long term answer. Help us to make good decisions and help us to remember that you stand with us in all that we do.

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