Monday, October 24, 2011

Change is......

I've changed the title of my Blog. I sure hope it hasn't confused my readers and that no one currently following will "un-follow" themselves.
Change is never easy, we are always being told. And, often things never do get changed. Some people have been sitting in the same spot, in the same pew, in the same church, for more than 60 years. I have learned, over the years, that when I visit a new church, it is very important to ask those seated near me, "Am I sitting in your seat? If I am, I'll move."
Believe me, most folks will tell you if you are in their spot. You want them to tell you, or else for the next 55 minutes, someone will be staring at you, willing you to drop dead or something.
However, it occurs to me that if you ALWAYS sit in the same place, you are apt to always see the same view. How enlightening is the back of the same head, every Sunday, for 60 years?
We should put ourselves in another seat, occasionally. That stained glass window could be more beautiful in a different light, or that weird shaped piece of wood, might actually be attractive when viewed from another angle. Putting ourselves in another seat, not only brings the risk of seeing a different view, but it might really change our outlook dramatically.

Good God. Help us to get out of our pews. Things look very different when viewed from the other side of the room. Allow us the flexiblility to change, and to sometimes even enjoy it. We know that you will be there with us every step of the way.
Thank you, God, for our many blessings.

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But, what if we need it?

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