Wednesday, September 28, 2011

...of red and gold.

Near the traffic circle, or round-about, that I have written about in a much earlier post, there is a large public wading pool and fountain. All summer long, groups of children and even whole families have cooled off by splashing in the water. We had a very warm July and August, with many 100 + degree days. That water sure looked refreshing to those of us who were just driving past. To the folks actually in the water, it must have been Divine.
All but one of the splashers and waders took advantage of the pool in the hot afternoons and sweltering early evening hours. Just one person was in the pool almost every morning about 7:00 a.m. That one early morning pool user was doing just what you might think. He was taking a bath.
Truly, when I think I have seen everything there is to see, in my work neighborhood, I happen upon something truly strange. This bather was one of the most unusual sites I have seen, to date.
Mr. Bather, as I called him, was really taking his morning bath, complete with soap and towel. Every weekday morning he was there, suds-ing up or toweling off.
I never stopped to talk with him, after all it was none of my business to know why he was bathing in public. Maybe he had no bathtub or shower? Possibly it was the custom to bath publicly in his native country. Maybe he was an exhibitionist? Could it have had anything to do with his religion? Maybe he was just having fun. Who knows?
Now that it is cooler, and the leaves are beginning to turn, he's no longer bathing in the park. I miss him.

Gracious Lord. You must have a great sense of humor. You make me smile. You made us all so different and yet we are all alike. We honor you and are in awe of your total creation.
Bless us and guide us as we go about our daily living.

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