Monday, August 22, 2011

Here today, gone by 4:30.

My car was totaled on Thursday. I parked in my normal spot about 1:30 p.m., and went into the office to finish some paper work. About a quarter after four, I went back outside, intending to drive home. On approaching my vehicle, I noticed a pile of something in the street beside it. As I got closer, I realized the pile was actually the crumpled back end of my car. Someone had hit my fully paid for, rusty, thirteen year old car. Hit it hard enough to knock off quite a bit of metal (it was an old car, folks), and then drive off.
I was immediately very thankful that I was not in the car at the time of the accident. The policeman and the tow guy were very nice. My co-workers helped me gather my belongings and take them back to my office. Scott came over to take me home. All in all, for a car wreck, the whole experience didn't even reach 5 on a scale of one to ten.
But, what kind of person, does damage and then drives off? What prompts a person to leave behind damage that they know they have caused, without so much as a "Hey, I'm sorry."? Maybe the driver was in a stolen car. Maybe he or she didn't have insurance or maybe they had a body or drugs in the back of their car.
So, I'm trying to be forgiving, but the truth we don't have the time or the money to buy another car. However, the bottom line is.......I'm okay and it's just stuff. I'll get over it.

Dear Lord, You spend a lot of time forgiving us. We mess up all the time. You accept our faults and allow us to move on. We should try to be more like you. We need always to forgive(even if we don't want to). Teach us forgiveness.

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