Saturday, May 28, 2011

"Live Like You Were Dying"

In the past few days,our area has experienced some of the most horrific weather imaginable. Everyone I speak to has personal ties to the numerous tornadoes, windstorms and floods that have hit us so hard this Spring. With our instant media sources we have been bombarded with photos of before and after views of the devastation. We have been talking of nothing else.
Lives have been changed in a matter of seconds. People, their homes, and businesses were fine and then, in the blink of an eye, everything is gone. The stories of loss are so moving. A simple afternoon trip to WalMart, and dozens of lives are lost forever.
Everyone affected by the storms needs our prayers and our support. Lots of churches and organizations are participating in relief projects. We can all join in the effort to help the victims.
And, it might just be a good idea to hug on your own loved ones just a little more. Life is so fragile and precious. We take our blessings for granted.

God. We believe that you are the one constant in our lives. We ask for physical, emotional and spiritual healing for all of your people. Help us to be strong. Help us to be the best that we can be during our time on Earth. Show us how to be a truly loving and thankful people.

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