Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Mary and Martha

I want to tell you about my one and only sibling. My sister (I've referred to her as my "Much Older Sister", since we both passed the half-century mark. After all, I figured someone always has to be older than me!It might as well be her.) My MOS and I have maintained a long-distance relationship since we reached adulthood. After college, she ventured off to teach in California and I remained in the Midwest. Maybe that's what has kept us friendly all of these years?
This week, my MOS has a birthday. I flew out to surprised her for her last big birthday, but for this milestone birthday, she will just have to read about my best wishes for her.
Younger Sisters often admire their older siblings, but I am extremely proud to call my MOS "OUTSTANDING". She is a Loving Wife (actually, anyone would love her Pizza- Cooking, handsome, grocery shopping husband), FANTASTIC Mother (of 3 productive adult children, who actually are on speaking terms with her) and a Dynamic Grandma (of 7 delightful kiddos, who love to be around her and enjoy her company). She was and is an excellent teacher (OMG, she knows more kiddie songs than Barney), and she is also a very caring and faith-filled Christian.
If you have a sister, tell her that you love her today. Right now, don't waste a minute. If you don't have a sister (you're missing a special relationship), but we all have special friends. Tell that person how important he or she is to you.

I love you MOS.

Gracious God. In the middle of our busy lives, it is easy to forget to tell our loved ones how much they mean to us. Lord, You never forget to show your love for us.
Thank you for our many blessings.


Mrs. O'Daniels said...
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Mrs. O'Daniels said...

You got that right. We are all very lucky to have her in our lives. Her MYS is pretty amazing too.

Dave said...

Hurrah for sisters! I've got a big one...but only 14 months my senior, so I can't go with the MOS. She's one of the strongest, thoughtful, loving, caring people I know. I think I'll go call her right now! :)

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