Wednesday, November 3, 2010

We the people......

Tonight, I had the opportunity to lead a small class in citizenship. My four students were all women immigrants, coming from 4 different African nations. My task was to instruct them in the "100 questions". My first task was to learn what the "100 questions" actually is or maybe it's are!
Well, it seems in order to become a citizen, one of the requirements is to be able to answer 10 randomly chosen questions from a published list of "100 questions". A prospective citizen must know all 100 questions and answers in order to answer 10. Well, actually you can miss four out of 10, and still pass that part of the test.
So, the questions we covered tonight were: 1) What is the supreme law of the land? 2) What does The Constitution do? 3) What are the first three words of The Constitution?
Do you know the answers to those questions?
My students are eager to learn. They thanked me over and over as they left the room tonight. I am awed by the responsibility.

God of all nations. I wonder if you laugh at our attempts to form a "more perfect union". You have created a perfect universe. It is our arrogance that has messed it up. WE lift you up as our creator and we have been given so much. We honor you and we seek to do your will. Bless us in our humble endeavors.

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But, what if we need it?

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