Monday, September 6, 2010

Labor Day Lament

I didn't labor much today. Well, I cooked some eggs, loaded the dishwasher and dusted the piano, but that was about it. I like the idea of naming a holiday about something that you don't do on that day.
After all, on Christmas we celebrate the birth of Christ. On Memorial Day, we honor the deceased and decorate graves. Independence Day is for celebrating the Fourth of July, 1776. But, on Labor Day, we don't labor.
The concept of Labor Day is unique and quite refreshing, but perhaps we could tweak it a little. I'm going to propose a couple more of these NON-traditional holidays.
How about Politician's Day? That will be the day that no candidate will run an ad or "misspeak" about anyone or anything. The newspapers just wouldn't report on anything political.
Then we could celebrate a Healthy Foods Day. Candy, fried foods, red meat, sugar, chocolate and white bread would be the menu for the day. Oh, and of course we won't be counting calories or cholesterol on Healthy Foods Day
My personal favorite NON-traditional holiday would be Housework Day. On that day, there would be no cooking, no ironing, no dusting, no vacuuming, or yard work. Hooray for Housework Day!

Lord. We are thankful for every day that you have given us. Our blessings are many and our burdens are few.

1 comment:

Dave said...

Around here we celebrate Heathly Food Day and Housework Day all the time!


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