Tuesday, July 13, 2010

"Eeee,Iiiii,EEE,Iiiii, Oooo"

Have you visited a Farmers' Market yet this summer? Well, why not? You'll have a great time and you'll get to stock your refrigerator in the process.
The largest Farmers' Market in the Kansas City area is down near the Missouri River, in the River Market Area. The fun time to go is on a Saturday morning, because hundreds of vendors have their vegetables, fruits, handcrafted art objects, home cured meats, and plants for sale. There are even a couple of pasta dealers and a train for the kiddies to ride.
It's great fun and a super place to watch the wildest life of all.....people.
My friend Sue and I had a great time last Saturday. We bought ears of corn, tomatoes, and some freshly ground cheese.

Dear Lord: We live an abundant life. You have blessed us with the best that you have to give. Yet,sometimes we aren't as thankful as we should be. We concentrate on what we don't have, instead of rejoicing in what we do have. Bountiful God, I thank you.

1 comment:

Dave said...

Crystal and I love the farmers market! (Macy does too) We tried to go a few weeks back but apparently there was a tomato festival going on and you couldn't park within six blocks. We ended up at Hobby Lobby...go figure. I bought some peppers there last fall for my deer sausage, but they were so hot they just about melted the freezer. Seriously, they were HOT. :)

But, what if we need it?

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