Tuesday, July 27, 2010

"Fly me to the Moon..."

My son is a playwright and a musician.His latest play is being presented at the Kansas City Fringe Festival this week. Last night was the opening night and I was in attendance.
The play venue was packed and the play,"Not Just for the Birds" which is geared to children of all ages, was terrific. People laughed. People clapped. It was great. And, I was so proud.
The play, the cast (all local high school students)and my son and daughter-in-law are taking the play to the Scottish Fringe Festival next week.
I am so happy for them.

Hey God, you are terrific. I am so blessed to be the mother of this successful young man. It's so easy for us to dwell on the junk that goes on in our lives and complain to anyone and everyone who will listen.
But, your gifts are many. Our troubles are insignificant and petty, when compared to your blessings. My greatest blessings are my four grown children and their families. God you are so good.

Monday, July 19, 2010


I'm blogging a day early this week. We've veered off track on our regular routine at the Kincaid Household. My normal day for blogging is Tuesday. Tuesday is also trash day, but I fail to see a correlation between garbage and my writing.
My mother-in-law was the queen of routine. Rosann did everything according to schedule. She had a set routine for what she and Bill ate every day. Saturday was hamburgers, Friday was Pizza, etc. Monday was wash day, Tuesday she ironed. (OMGOODNESS, I don't even know where my iron is...or if I still have one?)
I would like to think that I don't have a schedule. If asked, I would tell you that I'm a non-routine kind of woman. A free spirit! But in reality, I am a schedule follower. My red appointment book has become my second brain. Ask me, and I can tell you what I'm scheduled to do on Thursday October 28th of 2011.
But, this week things are different. I am helping out my daughter-in-law, Jennifer, with the care and keeping of baby Linnea. So, I am staying at their Brookside home for the next couple of days.
This change in routine is indeed a blessing.

Wow, Lord. Babies move really fast these days. And, I want to tell you that being a grandma is the greatest title in the world. Thank you for allowing me to be a grandma. Help me to always be able to "change" my routine enough to allow new experiences and blessings to happen. Change is helping me grow in my theology. Change helps me to let go and let YOU lead.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

"Eeee,Iiiii,EEE,Iiiii, Oooo"

Have you visited a Farmers' Market yet this summer? Well, why not? You'll have a great time and you'll get to stock your refrigerator in the process.
The largest Farmers' Market in the Kansas City area is down near the Missouri River, in the River Market Area. The fun time to go is on a Saturday morning, because hundreds of vendors have their vegetables, fruits, handcrafted art objects, home cured meats, and plants for sale. There are even a couple of pasta dealers and a train for the kiddies to ride.
It's great fun and a super place to watch the wildest life of all.....people.
My friend Sue and I had a great time last Saturday. We bought ears of corn, tomatoes, and some freshly ground cheese.

Dear Lord: We live an abundant life. You have blessed us with the best that you have to give. Yet,sometimes we aren't as thankful as we should be. We concentrate on what we don't have, instead of rejoicing in what we do have. Bountiful God, I thank you.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

"What's Your Name? Is it Mary or Sue?"

Because I felt the need to put my rear-end where my mouth is, I spent the morning volunteering in the Adult English Language Learner Program at Della Lamb. Coming off of a big celebratory weekend, "Happy Birthday U.S.A.", this morning was a big smack in my patriotic face!
The 30 women I met this morning,in the beginner class,were thrilled and thankful to be given the opportunity to learn to speak, read, and write English. For two hours, I helped them fill out their enrollment forms. They were struggling to learn what all of us natives have been doing since infancy. Most of the adult students in the classes at the Lamb have not had the opportunity to attend school in their home land. These are adults who cannot, for the most part, read or write in any language.
The adult immigrants and refugees, at the Lamb, speak 40 different languages. I speak English and a teeny weeny bit of French. But, we communicated.
Every woman understands the word BABY. One woman could tell me that she was the mother of twins by holding up two fingers and making a double downward sweeping motion with her hands.
And peanut butter? Who knew Africans eat peanut butter?
I know that I have struggled to understand a smidgen of Spanish, French and German. I cannot conceive what it must be like to be dropped in a country where only my family speaks words that I can understand.

BTW, I am going back tomorrow. I am blessed to be able to volunteer at Della Lamb.

Universal God. I saw You this morning in the eyes of Somali and Sudanese women. You were speaking to me through the Creole words of Flore. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to learn from these eager students. Thank you for the teachers and faithful volunteers who do Your work. You are an awesome God.

But, what if we need it?

 Attention ,all of you "half-way hoarders" out there. You know who you are. I am not the one who is judging you. I, myself, am a r...