Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Red and Yellow, Black and White....

Are you intentional? Well, if you're a United Methodist you are supposed to be. Have you ever heard of the Charter for Racial Justice? It is, of course, an official document of Church Policy. So, if you don't know what I'm talking about when I mention the Charter for Racial Justice, write me a note and I'll send you a brochure. Ignorance is not bliss!
Ms. Mai Gray helped to draft the Charter and although we all mourn the recent loss of Mai, her life's work will continue. The United Methodist Women in Missouri are known all over this country for their Intentional Inclusiveness on the issues of race, age, gender, and ability.
I would like to salute Becky Curry, a MO UMW, for her intentional inclusiveness in breaking a very visible barrier. Hats off to Becky.

God of many colors. Open our hearts and our minds so that we might see beyond skin color, wrinkles, saggy pants, and wheelchairs. We are all precious in your sight. Amen

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