Monday, April 5, 2010

UMW SUNDAYS...not the week after Easter, PLZ

I received a call last week that included a request for me to preach yet another UMW Sunday, later this month. I checked my calendar and replied to the caller in the positive. Yes, I would be happy to do your UMW Sunday. It's been my pleasure to give an inspirational Sunday talk, now and then. In my four years as Conference UMW President, my UMW Sunday travels took me from Canton to Sikeston,from Kimberling City to Rockport. In between, I have preached in Harper's Chapel(that's a story for another time), all over in Kansas City, in Columbia, and in St. Louis. I've even done a couple in the state of Kansas. ("I'm a Sunflower from the Sunflower State." you know.)
One thing, however, that I try NOT to do is preach a UMW Sermon on the Sunday after Easter. Come on Pastors. Do you think your old ladies just fell off of the turnip truck? I can just hear your comments now. "We'll give those old biddies the Sunday that is our lowest in attendance. Nobody is going to want to hear what they say anyway. And, while we're at it, I think I'll take that Sunday off. I need to get away. Mission, humbug."
Well, we made our Pledge to Mission, in Missouri, this year. Over $400,000 in Mission Giving. Hey, there are a whole lot of somebodies out there who care what we have to say.
So call on me girlfriends, I'll do your UMW Sundays, but not this week!

Dear Lord, we make our prayers and ask You to answer them. We forget that You are calling us to do Your will. Help us to really listen to Your requests and help us to be "doers of your word and not hearers only." Amen

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But, what if we need it?

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