Monday, December 7, 2009

Brood of Vipers

Scott and I visited First UMC in North Kansas City yesterday. We are familiar with that church and the folk that worship there. Scott was the Cub Master there for more years that I care to count and our 3 boys all participated in Troop and Pack 9 activities. It was comforting to see long time friends Audrey Phelps (the original), Katherine Smith, Pam Wark, Phyllis, Ione, and others. Pastor Kate McClain's message was one of the most unique sermons we've heard in quite a while. She focused on Zechariah, undoubtedly one of the lesser known figures in the Christmas Story. To paraphrase her message, why don't our Christmas Cards say, "Wake up you so called Christians and look what God has sent you? God has sent his only son to save you from your sins!" She's right. Merry Christmas (when was the last time you used the word merry from January to November?) doesn't really cut it.

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