Saturday, September 19, 2009


Plans for UMW Annual Meeeting have all been put into place. Registrations have been confirmed by Registrar Vicki, food orders have been turned in, and hotel rooms have been booked. Gail has all of her ducks, or shall I say barbeque, in a row and we are ready ladies!
Two years ago we found ourselves second guessing the decision to hold this event WAAAY DOWN in Poplar Bluff. "It's so far. No one will want to travel that far for a meeting," we all whispered. We wern't even quite sure how to pronouce the name of the place. But, we went ahead, on Faith of course, and we began the planning work.
Well, guess what. It appears that we will have a record crowd down there! Over 250 women, men, and children have registered. CHARLES BUCK look out! Here we come.
Oh, and this meeting will be my "Last Hurrah", so to speak. Mabel Unser will be installed as 2010 President of the Conference. Sometimes, I can't believe it's only been four years and other times these four years have seemed so short.
Now, here's a thought for you all.I sincerely believe that all the members of United Methodist Women are beautiful. Yes, they are. When I look out at any gathering of our Mission Warriors, I see beautiful women. I see thoughtful,caring, and loving women. OUR members think about others, they care about what happens to all of God's children and above all they love their God. Those things make them beautiful beyond words and appearance. Now sometimes, we get a little less pretty. We get fussy and prickly and we bicker about all kinds of stuff. But, then we get down to the Purpose of this organization and our beauty always shines through.
Blessings Beauties.

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But, what if we need it?

 Attention ,all of you "half-way hoarders" out there. You know who you are. I am not the one who is judging you. I, myself, am a r...