Tuesday, July 21, 2009

What is Mission?

It takes a lot of work to produce a School of Christian Mission. Most of the work responsiblity falls on the Dean, Assistant Dean, and the Mission Team of the Conference United Methodist Women. Between today and Sunday afternoon, there will be buckets of sweat and a few tears shed as we work very hard to make this event pleasurable and meaningful for the 300 plus atendees.
There will be lots of talking about Mission this weekend. Mission to the people of the Sudan and to Native Americans. Those are two of our studies this year.
The third study, our spritual growth study, emphasizes Food and Faith. We'll look at food....from manna in Exodus to the loaves and fishes in Matthew. Our Faith is tied to our Food. Of course there will be a lot of food eaten in the CMU cafeteria.
Oh, and we have a group of ladies who do "hands-on Mission" while we are in Fayette, with their sewing projects. The leader of the Youth and Children's Schools have planned a visit to the local food pantry.
But, Cooperaive School of Christian Mission is mostly about Mission to ourselves, the participants. CSOCM is a time of learning and renewal of our Purpose and Spirits. It's a lot of work, but it's a whole lot of fun.
There will be so much laughter this weekend that CMU will be transformed. God has a marvelous sense of humor.....or he wouldn't have made us crazy Methodists!

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