Monday, July 27, 2009

MO UMW makes Cinamatic History!!!!

"You ought to be in Pictures". We've made it to the Movies, gals. Check out our own Marvelous Max Marble's Mission Cast for Monday July 27, 2009. You will see yourself, our youth and our Study Leaders at our 2009 Cooperative School of Christian Mission.
It was a wonderful event and a BIG THANK YOU goes out to the dozens of men and women who worked so very hard to make this project extremely meaningful to our membership.
And, thank you Max Marble for giving us the Conference recognition and publicity we
so deservedly need. Max is one of UMWs most ardent supporters. He is always quick to give UMW credit for his passion for Mission. Max grew up a Missional environment and witnessed first hand the work of women missionaries who were supported by our gifts to Mission. We love you Max!
Now, it's on to Poplar Bluff and our Annual Meeting. Don't forget to come early for "Chat and Chew". Carol Renfro and the Program Committee have some wonderful plans. So, put September 27th on your calendar and get your car tuned up for the trip.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

What is Mission?

It takes a lot of work to produce a School of Christian Mission. Most of the work responsiblity falls on the Dean, Assistant Dean, and the Mission Team of the Conference United Methodist Women. Between today and Sunday afternoon, there will be buckets of sweat and a few tears shed as we work very hard to make this event pleasurable and meaningful for the 300 plus atendees.
There will be lots of talking about Mission this weekend. Mission to the people of the Sudan and to Native Americans. Those are two of our studies this year.
The third study, our spritual growth study, emphasizes Food and Faith. We'll look at food....from manna in Exodus to the loaves and fishes in Matthew. Our Faith is tied to our Food. Of course there will be a lot of food eaten in the CMU cafeteria.
Oh, and we have a group of ladies who do "hands-on Mission" while we are in Fayette, with their sewing projects. The leader of the Youth and Children's Schools have planned a visit to the local food pantry.
But, Cooperaive School of Christian Mission is mostly about Mission to ourselves, the participants. CSOCM is a time of learning and renewal of our Purpose and Spirits. It's a lot of work, but it's a whole lot of fun.
There will be so much laughter this weekend that CMU will be transformed. God has a marvelous sense of humor.....or he wouldn't have made us crazy Methodists!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Pittsburg High School Class of 1964

Scott and I are taking a day off from working on the preparation for Cooperative School of Christian Mission to travel "back home" to our High School Reunion.
Our class is very close and many of the original 193 graduates of that year will be there with us.
No one really famous graduated from PHS in 1964 (unlesss you count the Queen of MO UMW and her husband, the Grammy winner). But, in 1966, there was Bill Russell, of the L.A. Dodgers, and in 1959 or maybe it was 1960, Gary Zukav frequent guest on the Oprah Show walked down the aisle at the Pittsburg Municipal Auditorium.
But, we "64ers have been and continue to be a class of interesting citizens. Take Shurleen, for example. After an unfortunate marriage and lousy career choices in California, she reinvented herself and became a rural Kansan, with a new career as a travel guide and a new name. She is very happy as Jean Marie.
Then, there's Billy. He was a roadie for Rock Bands in the late sixties and experimented with lots of stuff we don't want to know about. Now, he is a highly respected High School Administrator with lots of awards and expertise in dealing with troubled youth.
And John, who started out working for the water department...digging ditches, no less, and he's now the City Manager.
We've got teachers, preachers, sports agents, and doctors. Lots of good solid average folk. I can't wait to see them. They won't have changed one bit since we saw them last. In my eyes, they will be forever young.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Ready for Cooperative School of Christian Mission?

It's July, once again, and almost time to hit the road to Fayette. I have been attending schools of Mission for a long time. Schools of Mission are an annual event in all of the UMW Conferences throughout the United States, but there are still many United Methodists who don't know a thing about them.
Our school is a cooperative one, which means that it is jointly sponsored by UMW and the UMC through it's Creative Ministries Team. So, why don't we have a ton more attendees? Beats me. But,I guess we aren't telling enough people the story of Cooperative School of Christian Mission.
Several hundred women, children, men and youth attend our Missouri Cooperative School each summer. We have a fantastic time. There are study groups, fellowship, great food, and exciting worship. This year we have a young new music leader and plenty of new songs to inspire and thrill our attendees.
Sometimes, "The Queen" even joins us. She last visited us in 2007. Perhaps she'll come again this year. Shari Habban is dropping by on Saturday. Several years ago a District Super dropped in. Oh, we ask a lot of other important people to come but so far they have declined. July is a really busy time of the year, I guess.
We are planning to host a missionary visitor this year and since one of our studies is on Sudan, we will visit with some Sudanese refugees, also.
Okay, so far as I can tell, CSOCM is the one of the largest gatherings of UM's on the yearly calendar. I'd like to make it the largest. Y'all come!

Friday, July 3, 2009

Assembly 2010

It has been suggested by the UMW Webmistress that I blog about the upcoming UMW Assembly in St. Louis. (BTW, my picture,on this site, is one taken at the opening worship event at Assembly in 2006.)
Assembly occurs every 4 years in different cities across the U.S. Kansas City hosted an Assembly 20 years ago. Assembly will be the largest gathering of UMs this state has ever seen. It's a big deal. As Women's Division makes plans for this event, I will keep you readers informed. Right now lots of volunteers are needed. Let me know if you plan to attend and can spare some time to meet and greet, usher, give directions, etc.
For now, my theme song is "Meet me in St. Louie, Louise. Meet me at Assembly."

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Been There, Done That

Scott and I just returned home from UMW Regional School in New Orleans, LA. I think this was my 13th or maybe 15th Regional School. Regional School is sponsored by Women's Division for the purpose of training Conference Study Leaders and updating UMW Conference officers on their jobs. These Regional Schools are held on UMC College Campus'(Dillard this year). Men and women from each conference in our Jurisdiction were there.
Listen Up.....Don't go to New Orleans in the summer time. However, if you must, take lots of deodorant and plenty of extra underwear. OMGolly it was HOT and MUGGY.
But, weather aside, it was a great event. Our Cooperative School Leaders were trained in fine fashion. I gained a few pounds, in spite of the dorm food. Lordy, if I don't have to cook it, anything tastes good!

But, what if we need it?

 Attention ,all of you "half-way hoarders" out there. You know who you are. I am not the one who is judging you. I, myself, am a r...