Thursday, June 4, 2009

And we do Local Mission......

Today, I received a call from Clara Black. In my mind, Clara is a shining example of what we as United Methodist Women are all about. Clara supports United Methodist women by attending Coperative School of Christian Mission and other events like our annual Spring Retreat. But, woo hoo,she also does local mission! Clara volunteers at the Clothes Closet for the Veterans' Administration Medical Center in Kansas City.(Most of us think of it as the VA Hospital.) Last month, she told me that there was a real need for men's items of all kinds, especially clean used jeans and soft duffle bags. Of course there are women Vets, too, and she needs shorts and tops for them.
Sometimes veterans come to the Hospital with absolutely nothing. They need the essentials. Our Vets are in need, people, and we who have so much to thank them for, could really help them out!
Clara is a member of New Hope UMC in Kansas City. And she is surely an angel of mercy.
If you can donate some items to this cause, (She is willing to receive donations at Cooperative School in Fayette, next month.)contact me and I will pass on her number.

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