Friday, May 29, 2009

Preparing for June

I've said it before....May and June are the busiest months of the year. Holy, Moley, I'm feeling stressed. Way too much is on my plate. Right now I am feeling that I won't get everything prepared for Annual Conference, the Wintle Family Reunion on the 10th in Pittsburg,Kansas, our son Ry's wedding on the 21st(that means house guests from the 11th of June to the 22nd), and Regional School in New Orleans on the 24th.
The only thing that is going to get me through this mess is PRAYER....a whole lot of it. I can only speak for myself, but Prayer centers and calms me. When I take the time to really talk to God and visit with him about my concerns, He shows me the way. And, you know what? When I let God talk to me,I know that everything is going to be just fine.

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But, what if we need it?

 Attention ,all of you "half-way hoarders" out there. You know who you are. I am not the one who is judging you. I, myself, am a r...