Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Blue Ridge

Quit your whinning out there, girlfriends. We have circles (right here in Missouri) that are intergenerational and are making UMW work!
Congratulations to the EVEning Circle at Blue Ridge UMC. I visited with them last night and believe me when I write that they fit our MISSION Purpose to a "T".
First of all, they meet when it works for them. Most of them are employed, so they come right after work on Monday nights. They share a pot luck dinner. One young mom brings her teen son. Mondays are Scout night at the church so they eat together and go to their respective meetings.And, other moms bring their kids to share in the meal.They always offer child care during the meeting.
Then, the ages of the women range from early 20's to 70 something. I observed that they cherish one another and they are certainly a COMMUNITY of women, as they offered up their concerns and joys. They are involved in "hands on Mission" in their church. They have fun.(In February, their meal theme was red or pink food, or food shaped like a heart. How great is that?)
This group is a model for our future. The young and the experienced coming together for the Lord.
Now, like many of our circles, they have their issues. But, by golly, the women of the EVEning circle are continuing to fulfill our Purpose.
What a blessing.

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