Friday, February 13, 2009

Identity Crisis

Many of you readers may have participated in last year's UMW Spiritual Growth Study, "I Believe in Jesus." One of the activities suggested in that study was to look at our own personal, social, and spiritual identities. Then after doing that, we were to look at Jesus' personal, social and spiritual identities.
It is a great exercise in that we all bring our individualities to the faith table. All of us use our identities to assign to Jesus many different traits.I believe that we "believe" in Jesus in different ways and for different reasons, because of our own identities.
Another activity was to create our own "creed". This was amazing, because if you really work at doing this, your creed may be radically different than the creeds we find in our hymnals.
As we approach Lent, I challenge you to write your own creed. What exactly do you believe and why? A majority of us, I bet,(oops, we UM's don't bet,do we)would have a difficult time putting our faith into words.
Try it, and let me know how it went.
BTW, this study makes an excellent small group or Sunday School Class topic.

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