Monday, February 23, 2009


I'm totally blown away by the amount of Mission done by the United Methodist Women of Missouri. Much to the chagrin of our local pastors, the women of our churches are doing "all the good they can, to all the people they can, anywhere that they can". (sound familiar???? I sure hope so!)
Take for example the women and men of the Della Lamb Auxiliary. For years these diligent folk have spent hours performing grunt work for this mission organization in the heart of Kansas City. They stuff appeal envelopes, invitations, and fold flyers to be sent to supporters of the Lamb.
The Lamb was founded in the 19th Century by Methodist Women as an outreach to immigrant women and their children. Today it serves the urban poor and immigrants in the same area of the city where it was founded. In addition, the Lamb now operates an Elementary Charter School. The Lamb is an official United Methodist Related Institution, but members of the Auxiliary come from many denominations. They know that the work of Della Lamb Services is a worthwhile cause.
Curious about the work of Della Lamb?...need a program? Visit their website.
Then, just think about all of the community food banks, thrift shops, and tutoring that is done by members of United Methodist Women in Missouri. After that think of all the funeral dinners, teas, coffees, etc,, that we do for our local churches. We are doing and living our Mission Purpose. AMEN.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Mr. Israel

Some of you know that I am a Professional Substitute Educator by profession. I'm in Middle and High School Classrooms in the North Kansas City School District two to three times a week. Lots of kids from age 12-19 know me as that crazy little old lady substitute. Actually, I prefer to be labeled as the "substitute from Hell".
Most school subjects, at any level, can be taught by an experienced substitute. I will teach everything on the schedule EXCEPT woodworking (no teenagers with sharp objects) and boy's gym (smelly sweaty boys).
So last Tuesday, I was assigned a morning of business classes at Oak Park High School. One of the classes was an upper level computer programming class. This class had a teacher's assistant who was so helpful to the other students, it was hard to believe that he himself was a high school student. I was really impressed by his patience, his knowledge of computers and his encouraging manner to the entire group.
In talking with the young man, I learned that he was a senior and he plans on attending JUCO in Moberly this Fall. AND, that he is the son of a UM Pastor. What a plesure it was working with him. I just know that he is headed for grand and glorious things.
Thank you Rev.David Israel and wife for raising such a terrific kid!

Friday, February 13, 2009

Identity Crisis

Many of you readers may have participated in last year's UMW Spiritual Growth Study, "I Believe in Jesus." One of the activities suggested in that study was to look at our own personal, social, and spiritual identities. Then after doing that, we were to look at Jesus' personal, social and spiritual identities.
It is a great exercise in that we all bring our individualities to the faith table. All of us use our identities to assign to Jesus many different traits.I believe that we "believe" in Jesus in different ways and for different reasons, because of our own identities.
Another activity was to create our own "creed". This was amazing, because if you really work at doing this, your creed may be radically different than the creeds we find in our hymnals.
As we approach Lent, I challenge you to write your own creed. What exactly do you believe and why? A majority of us, I bet,(oops, we UM's don't bet,do we)would have a difficult time putting our faith into words.
Try it, and let me know how it went.
BTW, this study makes an excellent small group or Sunday School Class topic.

Monday, February 9, 2009


Frank-ly, Scarlet......Do you know anything about feral hogs? Well, you should.
For the record, the "Missouri Conservationist" Magazine has recently reported a serious infestation of feral hogs in Reynolds and Iron Counties. Feral hogs are domestic hogs that have been released in the wild.
Releasing domestic hogs into the wild is illegal in Missouri. Feral hogs are mean and dangerous. If you run across any feral hogs, call the Missouri Department of Conservation. Do not call me!
As President of Missouri United Methodist Women, I have experience herding wild groups of enthusiastic and sometimes out of control women. I don't do livestock.
By the way (and you pastors might make note of this) it is legal to hunt and kill feral hogs by any means you can dream up. Baiting and dogs are permissable.
The best way to deal with United Methodist Women is to REALLY listen to what they have on their minds. Channel their energy, appreciate their good intentions, and support their mission projects. They will in turn support all that you do. No traps or dogs needed.
By the way, our next event in the 2009 Legislative Event. We have over 100 Action Minded Men and Women Registered. Our Legislative Event is the oldest event of its kind in any Conference.
The date is March 3 and 4 at the Capitol Plaza Hotel in Jeff City. Check our
Hope to see all of you there.

But, what if we need it?

 Attention ,all of you "half-way hoarders" out there. You know who you are. I am not the one who is judging you. I, myself, am a r...