Monday, October 13, 2008

Southwest District

In my UMW travels, I have been blessed to attend many Fall District Meetings. This past Saturday, Scott and I drove down to Lamar, in the Southwest District. It was a beautiful drive, sunny and clear.
We were welcomed by the UMW members at the Lamar UMC, which has to be one of the very best church facilities in the entire state. The breakfast spread was outstanding (who said UMW meals are a thing of the past?).
Donna Ford presided in fine fashion, at the business meeting. And, after she congratulated Janet Fairbrother for being the SW District Woman of the Year in Mission, she told about one unit who had nominated all (5) of their nonarian (that's my word for 90 year olds) members for the Award.
Thinking this was a terrific idea, Donna and her Mission Team decided to present a "Well done, good and faithful servant Award" to all of the United Methodist Women in their District, who were 90 or more years young.
Lo and behold there were more than 40 names submitted. Donna made certificates and we presented them at the meeting. It was a heart warming event.
My concluding comment is WAKE UP UNITED METHODISTS, from our Bishop to our Church Custodians. It's great to celebrate our youth. After all they are our FUTURE. BUT, for Heaven's Sake, let us never forget our Older Folk. WE owe them so much. They have nurtured us, and mentored us, and loved us into who we are as a Church today.
Let's celebrate ALL of our Members.

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But, what if we need it?

 Attention ,all of you "half-way hoarders" out there. You know who you are. I am not the one who is judging you. I, myself, am a r...